• Question: why are you devoting your life to science

    Asked by donnet to Zarah, Kon, Kirsten, Jena, Freddie on 14 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Jennifer Bates

      Jennifer Bates answered on 14 Nov 2016:

      I’d like to think I’m not devoting all of my life to science! I do other stuff as well, like write books and do costuming events for charity, but certainly for my job I am very committed to using science to answer my questions.

      For me science is a tool that you can use and apply to think about some very tricky topics, and that means that you need a lot of them. And there are a vast array of things within science to apply: biology, chemistry, physics, botany, geology, computer modelling, mathematics…phew! I’m not really worried about which bit of science I need, more about why I am using that bit and what question I am asking. That is the bit I guess you could say I’m devoted to, making sure the question I ask is right, that it is useful and that it is interesting, not just for me, but for everyone involved.
