• Question: where do you get your bactiria from

    Asked by Evie to Kon on 8 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Konstantinos Drousiotis

      Konstantinos Drousiotis answered on 8 Nov 2016:

      Hi there,

      Good question. We normally work with the strains of bacteria we already have in our lab. However you can ‘borrow’ strains from other labs in the same university if you ask them politely. You can even get some from labs in other universities, if the lab in question is a collaborator (outside lab working with your lab to achieve a common aim).

      Also you can buy some from ATCC (american type culture collection). If you’re after creating the next strain for bioterrorism purposes, I’m sorry to break it to you but there are very strict regulations for purchasing them! 😛
