• Question: How many discoveries do you make a year?

    Asked by kate Baleson to Freddie, Jena, Kirsten, Kon, Zarah on 8 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Jennifer Bates

      Jennifer Bates answered on 8 Nov 2016:

      That depends on the samples you are looking at!

      Sometimes every sample you look at has something new and different to analyse in it, and you have to spend a lot of time working it out, but others are very similar and part of a much bigger picture.

      We write up our discoveries into academic papers to share them. Some samples get their own papers because there is so much in them (I am working on a paper about rice right now) while others are part of larger works about whole sites or projects (there is book on some sites I am a co-author on that will be coming out soon).

      Both the smaller samples with lots in them and the bigger projects are interesting and keep you working for the whole year!
